We live in a constantly changing world with an ever-increasing rate of change. The same impacts our well-being, and downtime from health related issues can affect our overall productivity, careers and overall happiness. RxDx aims to solve this modern malaise by General Practitioner led healthcare solutions and hence nipping problems in the bud itself, both swiftly and with confidence.
Hypertension- Causes, Risks, Diagnosis and Treatment
High blood pressure is known as a silent disease as it may not present with any symptoms. However, it may slowly damage your organs like heart, brain, kidneys, and eyes if not treated appropriately and by timely intervention. This untreated high blood pressure can lead to major illnesses like stroke and heart attack to name a few.
Luckily blood pressure can be easily detected and monitored. The blood is pumped by the heart and the resistance of the arteries would determine the blood pressure.
What Is Chronic fatigue syndrome?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex disorder characterized by extreme fatigue. The fatigue may worsen with physical or mental activity but does not improve with rest. The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is difficult to pinpoint; it could be multifactorial— ranging from viral infections to psychological stress or as a result of a combination of any of these. It is difficult to diagnose and would require a series of tests to rule out other causes which may present with the same spectrum of symptoms.
The affected individual may present with fatigue, memory loss or unable to concentrate. They may also present with a sore throat, flu-like symptoms, feeling dizzy, palpitations, headaches, muscle or joint pains, sleep which does not refresh them. Swollen glands in the neck or armpits. However, the most classical presentation is extreme tiredness which lasts for more than one day especially after physical exercise or mental strain. This is called as post-exertional malaise.
What is laser hair reduction? Pros and Precautions
‘Permanent hair removal’ should be distinguished from ‘permanent hair reduction’.
It requires an understanding of physiological hair cycle. Selective-photothermolysis ensures laser absorption only by the target chromophore and subsequent microscopic damage to the concerned tissue, thus responding to the reduction in hair growth.
So laser session is advised in the growing phase of the hair for better response. The colour of skin and hair, as well as hair shaft characteristics, play a role in successful laser hair removal treatment. Lasers used in hair removal are many.
The choice of laser depends upon the skin type and the hair type.
World Asthma Day- Facts, Diagnosis and Treatment
Asthma is a common, chronic (persisting for a long time) condition affecting the respiratory system in which the airways (breathing tubes) overreact to environmental or direct triggers which leads to chronic airway irritation and inflammation. Asthma can start at any age more commonly in childhood or early adulthood but even may appear for the first time in old age. The chronic irritation leads the linings of the breathing tubes to swell up and produce more secretions giving rise to symptoms such as a cough with or without sputum and wheezing (the whistling sound from the chest during breathing).
All you need to know about your ‘Voice’ on ‘World Voice day’ April 16th
One of the components that define what we speak is ‘Voice’. It is produced by the vibration of the ‘vocal folds’ also called “Voicebox” that’s located in our throat. When this so-called ‘voice’ is abnormal, the overall quality of speech is affected and sounds unpleasant. People might have encountered brief episodes of hoarseness or rough voice when they have a cold or a cough excessively. It remains for the shorter duration. If the same abnormal voice quality lasts for more than 3 weeks, then it’s high time that we consult an ENT, SLP and get evaluated.
A condition that presents with an abnormality in voice parameters, i.e. pitch, loudness and quality that impacts speech production.
Chikungunya – Signs, Symptoms, Complications & Prevention
Chikungunya is a self-limiting viral disease caused by chikungunya virus which is transmitted to humans by an infected female Aedes aegypti, mosquitoes.
Chikungunya symptoms include fever and severe joint pain. Other commonly seen symptoms include muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and skin rash. Joint pain is often debilitating involving all the joints; it varies in severity and duration. Patients with severe joint pain should be suspected to have chikungunya.
The clinical signs and presentation are similar to other viral infections especially dengue and can be misdiagnosed as dengue clinically. Dengue fever which can be diagnosed at the early stage of fever by laboratory tests should be done to rule out.
Root Canals – Treatment, Signs, Procedure, Outcome and More
Conservative Endodontic is a branch of dentistry which deals with diagnosis and treatment of dental problems associated with soft tissues inside the tooth.
Root canal refers to the natural cavity within the center of the tooth.
Root canal treatment (RCT) is a procedure to repair or save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The goal of this procedure is to save the tooth from pulpal necrosis (disease of pulp). RCT is done both in kids and adults in order to save their tooth from decaying; it stabilizes the tooth and gives it a new life.
Not all tooth decay requires RCT; only if the infection (decay) is too deep your dentist may recommend you this treatment option.
To understand Autism, Step into their shoes
“Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social interaction, communication, restricted interests and repetitive behaviors, as well as by unique strengths and differences. Every single child with Autism does not share the same set of features and challenges with another autistic child. They are ‘unique’. The term ‘spectrum’ reflects the wide variation in challenges and strengths possessed by each person with autism. “
Most recent studies identified that Autism is caused by combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers. Autism can be identified as early as 18 months of age. By monitoring the child’s developmental pattern in the early years will help in identifying the disorder at the earliest. Early intervention plays a key role in treating children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Why you need BCG Vaccine(TB Vaccine)? 4 Myths & Facts on Tuberculosis
Does your child needs BCG Vaccine? About 1 million cases of pediatric tuberculosis are estimated to occur every year accounting for 10–15% of all tuberculosis(TB). It has an efficacy of 75–86 % for prevention of miliary and meningeal form of Tuberculosis & 50% for pulmonary tuberculosis. “TB happens when a persom with latent TB becomes sick. Some individuals become sick as soon as they get infected, before their immune system can fight back. In other cases, people don’t get sick initially but they fall sick when immune system becomes weak. This can happen due to some other infections or immunocompromised conditions.” – Dr Sireesh, Consultant Pediatrician & Pediatric Endocrinologist, TeleradRxDx.