Here’s a set of tips to combat the cold and flu this season. Boost your immunity naturally with herbs, leaves and spices. For personalized care and tips on Nutrition, please visit RxDx Multispeciality Clinic.
For further details, please contact: 080-49261111, 6745-8111
A-Z of Managing Blood Sugar in Diabetes
The 3 most important factors for self-regulation of blood sugar levels in diabetes are:
✔ Blood Sugar Monitoring
✔ Diet
✔ Exercise
What Everybody Ought To Know About Heart-Healthy Diet
Smoking, diabetes or insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sedentary lifestyle are some of the key causes of CVD.
Although weight management and regular exercise are critical for keeping your heart healthy, the food you eat plays an equally important role. According to clinical research, healthy lifestyle habits along with heart-healthy diet may reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke by 80%.
There is no single food that can make you magically healthy, so your overall dietary pattern is critical. Here are some important tips for Healthy-Heart Diet
Diet in Asthma
RxDx has a rich lineage of highly experienced GPs who will help you to manage your asthma. Call or Book online for appointments. Now you can also consult our GPs on mfine app.
Proper diet is as important as medicines if you have asthma. Therefore, you should consult a nutritionist to know what to eat and what to avoid in order to have better health with Asthma.
Is There a Relation Between our Food and Mood?
These days when materialism is encroaching upon our society, psychological problems have become a major cause of health concern. According to WHO (World Health Organisation), with around 56 million people suffering from depression and 38 million from anxiety...

How to Read Food Labels-
If you have eaten packaged food without reading and understanding the nutrition facts label on the packet, then you need to be worried. Reading and understanding food labels is very important to differentiate healthy from unhealthy options in packaged foods. Although...
Diet tips to avoid weight gain during festive season
Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is going to be surrounded with savories and sweets. Even though your cravings might get satisfied, but it results in an altogether different story for your body. Usually, people tend to gain weight during the festive season.
Is Red Wine Really Good For You?
Health benefits of red wine have been debated for some time now. Some believe that a glass of wine each day is good for a healthy heart while others think they are overrated.
While the internet is flooded with information that claims consumption of a moderate quantity of red wine lowers the risk of several heart diseases, the question that arises is how much is moderate.
Is Microwaved Food Bad for Health
Microwaves and the radiation from microwave ovens are non-ionizing. A microwave uses radio waves at a specifically set frequency to agitate water molecules in food. When these water molecules get increasingly agitated, they begin to vibrate at the atomic level and generate heat. This heat is what cooks food in the oven. Hence heating food in microwave cannot chemically change cells or its molecular structure.
Filtered vs Refined oils
When it comes to heart health, the first food group that comes to mind is OILS. It is the most common cooking medium which provides energy to body, taste to food along with fat soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids .Now the question of how much should be used needs a more customized guidelines rather than a generalized one but here lets discuss on which type of oil should be used.