Every year, lakhs of Indian people get devastated by the news of cancer. Incidences of cancer in India is estimated to grow by 25% by 2020 (according to the cancer registry made by the Indian Council of Medical Research). This shows, that cancer has become one of the major causes of death in the country.
Cancer is characterized by the growth of abnormal cells that multiply uncontrollably and have the capacity to infiltrate and destroy normal body parts. Unfortunately, it is the second most leading cause of death in India. However survival rates are gradually improving, thanks to improvements in the field of cancer detection and treatment.
Your Knee pain can be due to IT Band Syndrome (Iliotibial Band Syndrome)
IT band syndrome is a usual cause of knee pain or outer thigh pain, especially seen among runners. In this article, we will discuss about the various causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of IT band syndrome.
Pain on the outer side of the knee is the main symptom of IT syndrome. It is usually seen among runners and cyclists but it can affect others too.
How an anti-inflammatory diet can boost our health? Find out
In today’s life, most people are exposed to extreme stress and environmental toxins like endocrine-disrupting and cancer-causing chemicals present in everything from food to water and household cleaners. And our body always responds defensively.
To fight inflammation, we need to help our bodies to cope with this continuous attack of immune triggers. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet is one of the best ways to help your body combat inflammation.
Foot Problems in Diabetic people
People suffering from diabetes are prone to many other health problems. One of them is a foot problem. If the blood sugar level is high for prolonged periods, it can wreak havoc on many body parts including the feet. The two main conditions that are responsible for foot problems are Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) and Peripheral neuropathy (PN). Let us look at PVD in detail here.
Diabetic Neuropathy- Symptoms and Treatment
The most common form of peripheral neuropathy is due to diabetes. People with diabetes have an abnormal elevation of their glucose and lack adequate insulin to metabolise the glucose. As a consequence, the blood glucose damages the nerve. This can occur in any type of diabetes. It doesn’t matter if the patient is on oral anti diabetic drugs, on insulin or is diet controlled. The nerve damage that occurs is considered to be permanent.
Diet tips to avoid weight gain during festive season
Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is going to be surrounded with savories and sweets. Even though your cravings might get satisfied, but it results in an altogether different story for your body. Usually, people tend to gain weight during the festive season.
How to Prevent Injuries and Enhance Performance?
Feet are complex systems, that act as an interface between the rest of the body and the ground. It is a major contributor to shock absorption and propulsion. The shock absorption component comes into play when your foot hits the ground, the propulsion phase occurs while you are pushing off and using your foot as a rigid lever to propel you forward. These are two very different functions with different biomechanical requirements.
Diet in Constipation
Constipation can be defined as a condition of the digestive system where the passing of feces becomes difficult to expel. It is usually directly related to the diet and lifestyle of an individual.
The Diabetes-Inflammation-Obesity Connection
Diabetes is a lack of or underutilization of Insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in our bodies by the pancreatic beta cells. Insulin helps in the sugar metabolism of our body. Scientists for past ten years have known increased levels of Inflammation in people with adult-onset.
Dehydration – Causes, Signs, Symptoms & Prevention
Human body comprises 75% water which is present in both intracellularly and extracellularly. Dehydration refers to a condition that involves excessive loss of body water, leading to disturbed metabolic processes. It is generally an imbalance between water loss vs. water intake.