Gait analysis is the methodical study of human locomotion, using the eye and the brain of observers, amplified by instrumentation for measuring body movements, body mechanics, and the activity of muscles. Gait analysis is used to evaluate and help individuals with issues affecting their ability to walk or run. It is commonly used in sports field to help athletes run more efficiently and to identify posture or movement-related problems in people with injuries.
PRP or Platelet-rich Plasma therapy: How effective is it?
Blood is made up of plasma (liquid) and cells- red cells, white cells and platelets. Platelets play an important role in blood clotting. So when you get hurt, it is platelet which causes clotting of blood and stops the bleeding. Platelets also contain proteins called growth factors which are important for the healing process.
PRP is the plasma with a higher concentration of platelets than what is normally found in the blood.
What are the Most Common Sports Injuries?
Chronic/ Overuse injuries are generally caused by repetitive use of muscles and joints. The wrong technique or structural irregularities or untreated injuries can also contribute to overuse injuries.
If you or your loved one has encountered a sports injury and you are looking for a medical facility which deals exclusively with sports-related conditions, then your search ends here. At RxDx SportsMed (Sports Clinic) we have put together a complete medical team that specializes in sports injuries.