Inflammation of the liver is called Hepatitis. Usually, it is caused due to viral infection, but there can be other possible causes too like autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis due to drugs, medications, alcohol and toxins.
Based on the type of viruses, there are 5 different types of viral hepatitis
Typhoid may spread in monsoon, what should I do to prevent it?
Usually people think that flu, malaria and dengue are the only diseases that spread during the monsoon. However, apart from mosquito borne and air borne diseases, occurrences of water borne diseases like diarrhea, typhoid and cholera also increases.

Do Adults Need Vaccinations?
It is not true that adults need just Flu vaccine. The DPT vaccine is recommended for pregnant women and for all adults who have not taken it previously. Similarly, Tetanus vaccine is recommended once every 10 years. The HPV vaccine should be taken by women of age 26...
Why you need BCG Vaccine(TB Vaccine)? 4 Myths & Facts on Tuberculosis
Does your child needs BCG Vaccine? About 1 million cases of pediatric tuberculosis are estimated to occur every year accounting for 10–15% of all tuberculosis(TB). It has an efficacy of 75–86 % for prevention of miliary and meningeal form of Tuberculosis & 50% for pulmonary tuberculosis. “TB happens when a persom with latent TB becomes sick. Some individuals become sick as soon as they get infected, before their immune system can fight back. In other cases, people don’t get sick initially but they fall sick when immune system becomes weak. This can happen due to some other infections or immunocompromised conditions.” – Dr Sireesh, Consultant Pediatrician & Pediatric Endocrinologist, TeleradRxDx.
Why you need DPT vaccine?
DPT vaccine protects your child (younger than age 7 ) and helps them to develop immunity against deadly diseases. Popularly known as the painless vaccine as all acellular (aP) vaccines, these are associated with significantly lesser side-effects, and thus the replacement of the whole cell (wP) vaccines was mainly driven by the safety profile of these vaccines.
Effectiveness of Flu Vaccine in India: Do I Need a Flu Vaccine this Season?
If you are pregnant, then it is advisable for you to get a flu shot regardless of the stage of pregnancy you have reached. There are strong evidences that suggested that pregnant women are at increased risk of developing serious complications if they get flu. A flu shot taken during the pregnancy reduces chance of getting serious complications of flu, such as pneumonia etc, it also helps protect your baby as they will continue to have some immunity to flu for the first few months of their life
People with various chronic illnesses such as Asthma, heart disease, blood disorders, kidney, and liver disorder.
Flu can occur to anyone, however, the complications can become serious or even deadly for elderly people, pregnant ladies, newborn babies, and people with certain chronic illnesses.
Elderly people have reduced immunity as the production of B and T cells in bone marrow and thymus are less, also there is a diminished function of mature lymphocytes in secondary lymphoid tissues. As a result, they do not respond to immune challenge as robustly as the young ones do.