Weight Management Program
Discover the new You

For the new You
A Medically Monitored Weight Management Programme

Medically Monitored Weight Management Programme
According to NFHS-4 (2016) survey, 18.9% of Indian men and 20.6% women in the 15-49 age groups are obese. Individuals struggling with obesity often take short cuts such as crash dieting or experiment with unhealthy fad diets. These tricks don’t work in the long run.
Lose it! Love it! Live it!
Objectives of the Programme
- To help people achieve their optimum body weight goals
- To guide people in adopting healthy lifestyle and eating habits

Why you might choose this programme?
- Want a diet plan that is scientific and developed by medical professionals
- Want to drop unhealthy lifestyle habits and gain healthy ones
- Want to learn how to count calories, portion of meals and choose the right foods
- Want a diet you can stick with for life, not a fad or quick fix Experience the difference we make, to make a different you!!

How is RxDx Weight Management Programme different from others?
The key components of our programme are

Diet Plan
Customized weekly diet plan based on an individual’s lifestyle, food habits and health condition

Physician Consultation
To evaluate and provide guidance regarding any underlying medical conditions which will help improve clinical outcomes

Exercise Regimen
Physiotherapy team works with each participant, assesses the fitness level and guides for improving physical activity

Psychological Counselling
Helps in setting realistic goals, encouraging sustainability, counselling for stress, anxiety, depression or eating disorders

Body composition analysis to check what percentage of muscle, fat, water and bones are present in an individual’s body and how much fat mass needs to be reduced

Peer Group Discussion
Meeting other members and motivating each other by sharing experiences
One Month Weight Management Program (₹3500/-)
- 4 Nutritional counselling sessions
- 1 Physician consultation
- 1 Physiotherapy session
- 1 Psychologist session
Three Months Weight Management Program (₹9000/-)
- 8 Nutritional counselling sessions
- 2 Physician consultations
- 3 Physiotherapy sessions
- 3 Psychologist sessions

View your doctor’s schedule and fix an appointment
Related Insights
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