One of the components that define what we speak is ‘Voice’. It is produced by the vibration of the ‘vocal folds’ also called “Voicebox” that’s located in our throat. When this so-called ‘voice’ is abnormal, the overall quality of speech is affected and sounds unpleasant. People might have encountered brief episodes of hoarseness or rough voice when they have a cold or a cough excessively. It remains for the shorter duration. If the same abnormal voice quality lasts for more than 3 weeks, then it’s high time that we consult an ENT, SLP and get evaluated.
A condition that presents with an abnormality in voice parameters, i.e. pitch, loudness and quality that impacts speech production.
Is Your Home A Safe Place for your Kid?
Often, we overlook the factors that may result in serious accidents and injuries to kids. Thus, proper safety measures and adequate childproofing steps are a mandate to make your home a more secure place for your little one. And even when you think you have done a meticulous job of toddler-proofing, chances are that you have missed out on something.