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CODE “Non-Existent” – Why Medical Professionals Need a Mental Health Contingency Plan. FAST
Barely two months ago, I wrote an article mentioning a young lady from suburban Mumbai who had ended her life by jumping off the balcony. She left behind two children, no older than 6, who don’t yet know how to mourn and a husband in profound disbelief. Another precious life was lost last month in Bengaluru, almost the same way. I was told by those who knew them, that they were both fighting a pre-existing psychological condition. One more in Chennai just yesterday, sent a wave of commiseration and shock across the nation – the deceased this time was a medical student attending to COVID patients. This is but the tip of the iceberg. According to an article that appeared in The Print (April 2020), India’s COVID 19 lockdown has taken several hundred lives so far to death by suicide alone.