Medical Screening & Diagnostics

Medical Screening & Diagnostics for Athletes
Young or seasoned, a sportsperson of any age group intending or involved in competitive sports or rigorous physical activity need to undergo medical assessment for sports fitness. Athletic screening helps maximise the performance output and minimise the chances of injuries and other health issues. Authorities like the American Heart Association (AHA) and the European Society of Cardiology advise thorough examination of athletes to prevent sudden deaths or other medical events and complications. Considering these aspects, RxDx SAMANVAY sports medicine department has designed a unique pre-sport evaluation programme.
RxDx SportsMed Pre-sport evaluation package
- Biomechanical Analysis (2D Scan, foot Mechanics, Gait analysis)
- Blood Tests (Hgb, Ferritin, Vitamin D & B12, Serum Calcium, Magnesium)
- Body Composition Analysis
- Pulmonary Function Test
- Detailed Physical Examination (main focus on cardiovascular, neurological, orthopaedic abnormalities)
- General Physician Consultation
- Sports Medicine Physician Consultation
- Uric Acid and Urine Routine
- Detailed History (acute or chronic medical and orthopaedic condition,post participation
Sports Medicine Services
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Individual evaluations offered

Biomechanical Analysis
- Analysing an athlete’s movement
- Application:
- Performance improvement
- Injury risk reduction
- Tools:
- 2D Foot Scan
- Foot Mechanics
- Gait Analysis

Blood Test For Athletes
- Deficiency check for sports-essential nutrients
- Determine supplement requirement
- Tests as part of the package
- Hgb
- Ferritin
- Vitamin D
- B12
- Serum Calcium
- Magnesium

Body Composition Analysis
- Checks level of bone weight, muscle mass, body fat and body water
- More accurate than BMI determination
- Establish baseline for fitness and nutrition plan
- Tool
- Body Composition Analyser (BCA)
- Works on Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
- Non-invasive method
- Body Composition Analyser (BCA)

Bone Mineral Density (BMD)
- BMD test for bone health
- Detect osteoporosis
- Determine fracture risks
- Good BMD ensures:
- longevity of athletic life
- less chance of bone injury
- contribute to better performance outcome

Detailed History Recording
- Family medical history
- Individual health conditions (asthma, diabetes, epilepsy)
- Previous surgeries or hospital stay
- Past or present injuries or concussions
- Allergies
- History of dizziness, fainting, chest pain, breathing problems during exercise
- Present Medications
- Personal information

Detailed physical examination
- Also known as Sports Physical
- Recording vitals (height, weight, BP, pulse rate)
- Vision test
- Cardiovascular checks
- Neurological checks
- Orthopaedic Abnormalities checks

- Ultrasound imaging technique to look at the heart structure and function
- Useful in sports cardiology for evaluating cardiac symptoms in athletes
- Indicated for symptoms like chest pain and syncope or pre-syncope during exercise and in athletes with family or personal History of cardiac issues
- Pre-participation screening and analysis of exercise induced stress

- Measures electrical activity in the athlete’s heart
- Detects problems in heart rhythm that may affect performance or health during exercise
- Resting / stress or exercise / ambulatory ECG or EKG
- Indicated if athlete has chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations

MRI Second Opinion
- Musculoskeletal imaging and scan interpretation can be tricky
- Misdiagnosis or injury, hence incorrect treatment, can have debilitating consequences
- A second opinion on your MRI report from a MSK radiologist helps:
- Check if you have a critical injury or just wear and tear
- Identify or confirm the cause of acute injuries correctly
- Avoid underdiagnosis or overdiagnosis
- Reduce chance of medical errors
- Common cases we receive for second opinion:
- ACL/PCL tears
- Far peripheral meniscal tears
- Muscle injuries
- Stress injuries
- Severity of a ligament and tendon injury
- Rotator cuff tears
- Meniscal, labral and ligament tears

Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
- Method of testing medical eligibility of an athlete
- Significant in ensuring safe participation in sports
- Checks blood pressure, pulse, respiration, body weight and height, visual acuity, anthropometric measures (body composition like BMI, height, weight, etc)

Pulmonary Function Test
- Non-invasive method to evaluate a sportsperson’s lung function
- Checks lung volume, capacity, rates of flow, and gas exchange
- Helps take measures to improve lung function in athletes
- Helps improve sports and exercise performance by improving oxygen utilization

Real Time Ultrasound Imaging
- Real time as it can be done during exercise or physical activity
- Assess deep muscles that aren’t easily accessible
- Assess core stability in an athlete
- Provides real time bio-feedback
- Helps detect MSK issues like tendon tears, tendinitis of rotator cuff, muscle tears, masses or fluid collections, ligament sprains, inflammation or fluid (effusions) within the bursae and joints, cysts and tumours in soft tissue

Routine Urine Culture & Uric Acid
- Rule out presence of infection in urine
- Rule out diseases like hyperuricaemia, gout, etc

- Diagnostic imaging technique to detect:
- Bone injury
- Sprains
- Fractures