GFC Therapy
Growth Factor Concentrate is a revolutionary and advanced therapy with proven results for skin rejuvenation and regeneration.
This treatment works wonders for acne, scars removal, skin lightening and as an anti-ageing treatment as well.
If you ardently desire to get those flawless features that you wished for, then opt for GFC.
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Derma Services
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GFC Procedure
- Age / no bar
- Non-surgical / Safe
- Efficient
- Contamination-free
GFC Treatment for Skin
- Acne scars
- Wrinkles
- Melasma
- Crepiness or Crepey Skin
- Hyperpigmentation
These pesky things have you worried?
Don’t you lose your sleep over them
Growth Factor Concentrate
- Regenerates damaged tissues
- Repairs wrinkles, scarring, crepiness, hyperpigmentation
- Restores Skin Quality
- Renews skin texture
GFC Treatment for Hair
- Dull/ Lifeless hair
- Hair loss/ baldness
- Brittle Hair
- Hair thinning
- Premature greying
- Improves hair quality
- Stimulates hair growth
- Helps to reduce hair thinning, Dandruff