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CT Experience – Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a referral for a CT?
In most situations, you will need a referral from a doctor to receive a CT scan. If you are requesting that a CT scan be performed on yourself as screening for coronary artery disease, you will be asked to sign a form giving consent to the procedure.
How should I prepare for the CT?
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing for the CT exam. You will be asked to remove any articles of clothing that contain metal – such as belts – that might degrade the CT images. Zippers, hooks and snaps can also cause image degradation. In some cases, you may be asked to wear a patient gown. You may be asked to leave coins, jewellery etc in a safe place. A locker will be provided.
Is there any reason I should not undergo a CT scan?
- Pregnancy
- If you had a previous severe allergic reaction to CT contrast
- Diabetes, Kidney disease – Need BUN and Creatinine checked beforehand
If you have any other medical conditions, consult with your physician prior to scheduling your CT exam. Our technologist will also pre-screen you prior to the exam. Please mention any concerns to the scheduler when calling to make your appointment.
What is the preparation for the test?
Before the test:
If you are over 40, you may need to have your Blood Urea (BUN) and Creatinine levels checked prior to the test. We can send a technician to your home the day before the test to draw the blood sample for your convenience (please call +91-9014091111 for details)
You need to come for your scan on an empty stomach (with the exception of your regular medications, as below).
Take all your regular medications on the morning of the scan appointment.
What’s the process flow at RxDx?
- Removing any metal objects, changing to a gown if needed
- Drinking oral contrast if needed
- In case you are undergoing a cardiac CT scan, an oral medication may need to be administered to slow your heart rate down to get the best results
What does the procedure feel like?
The technologist will assist you onto the CT examination table and position you for the scan. You will be asked to remain very still during the test. A loose band may be used to keep you in position since any movement can distort the images. In many instances, it is necessary to administer a contrast medium into a vein to highlight certain body organs. You may feel a sensation of warmth as the contrast enters your veins. From an adjacent room that offers a clear view of you and the procedure, the technologist will conduct and monitor the scan. Once the scan begins, you will feel the table move through the scanner. You will also hear a whirring noise or a high-pitched beep. These sounds are a normal part of the machine operation. In order to obtain the best possible images, the technologist may ask you to hold your breath for a short period of time.
How long does the test take? Is it painful?
The examination is quite painless and normally takes less than a minute on our 64 slice CT scanner (preparation time for the test may take longer) Can someone be with me while I am being scanned? No. CT uses X-ray (radiation) and only the person being imaged should be in the CT Scanner room during the exam. In case the person being scanned is a young child, a parent may be in the room as well, but will need to wear a protective lead apron.
What if I am claustrophobic?
Typically people do not feel claustrophobic during the CT procedure because the CT is built with an open configuration.
What happens after I am finished?
Your scan will be reviewed and interpreted by our consultant radiologist. The results will be sent to your physician, who will discuss the results with you. Urgent findings will be called to your doctor immediately. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We are here for you, so please don’t hesitate to ask us.
Mammography Experience – Frequently Asked Questions
Your Mammography Experience
A mammogram usually consists of two x-rays of each breast. Your breast will be positioned over the film. Moderate compression will be applied to your breast in order to obtain the clearest picture with the least amount of radiation. The compression is not dangerous. It does not damage the breast tissue and does not produce long-term discomfort. Occasionally, there is mild aching immediately following the mammogram. This can be relieved by Tylenol, buffered aspirin or ibuprofen, which you may take if you are not allergic to any of these medications. In a few cases, the radiologist may request additional views or a sonogram to further evaluate your breasts. The entire mammography procedure only takes about fifteen minutes.
What happens after I am finished?
A consultant radiologist with experience in mammography will interpret your mammogram. A report of the results will be sent to your doctor. All urgent findings will be communicated immediately.
Ultrasonography Experience – Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ultrasound used for?
In obstetrics, ultrasound is used to examine the developing baby or fetus. Your physician may utilize this examination to confirm the age of the baby and predict the date of delivery. Performed at the discretion of your physician, ultrasound provides valuable information about the health and well being of the fetus. In most cases, obstetrical patients receive a photograph of the fetus to take home.
Ultrasound plays a prominent role in gynecology. It is used to examine the pelvic organs and to evaluate pelvic masses. Ultrasound can detect abnormalities of the ovaries and uterus and is very useful in the diagnosis of problems causing pelvic pain. Ultrasound also can help to monitor ovulation in treating infertility.
Other Uses Ultrasound is also used to evaluate other organs such as the thyroid, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys, breast and scrotum. Ultrasound is used to image and assess blood flow to the brain, and through the arms and legs. It can also serve to determine the presence of an abnormal blood vessel, such as an aneurysm.
Your Ultrasound Experience
Your ultrasound will be performed in a comfortable and private environment. During your exam, you will rest on an examination table. A gel will be applies to the area of your body to be examined. This gel eliminates any air between your skin and the ultrasound source. The ultrasound source, called a transducer, is then held to the area to be examined. The transducer emits sound waves into your body and listens for echoes reflected back from the internal organs. These echoes are then converted into a picture, which can be seen on a television-like screen. For some pelvic and obstetrical exams, a full bladder is required. To fill your bladder, you must drink at least four to six glasses of water one hour before the exam. You cannot empty your bladder until the exam is complete. In some instances, a vaginal transducer is utilized to provide additional, detailed information about pelvic structures. The entire exam usually takes about 30 minutes.
A radiologist with expertise in ultrasound imaging will perform and interpret your study and issue a report to your physician.