RxDx Events
Arogya City Summit 2024
Arogya City Bengaluru is a collaborative initiative aimed at reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and improving mental health through multi-sector efforts involving the government, corporates, and civil society. At the second Arogya City Summit 2024, the initiative highlighted its success in reaching over 1 million people and securing attention from major media outlets. With 40 pledgemakers, up from 22 two years ago, the movement is gaining momentum, even drawing interest from the government for potential integration with its Gruha Arogya program.
As a dedicated pledgemaker, RxDx Healthcare has made significant contributions to this initiative by completing 5,000 NCD screenings in 2024, focusing on Diabetes, Hypertension, and Breast Cancer among underprivileged populations in rural Bengaluru. We have pledged to screen another 5,000 individuals in 2025, demonstrating our commitment to improving access to preventive healthcare and supporting Arogya City’s mission of making Bengaluru a healthier and more inclusive city.
Sportive Season At RxDx SAMANVAY, Malleswaram
A peak into the CME Sports Injuries: Prehab to Rehab conducted by The Department of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, RxDx SAMANVAY, Malleswaram on 13th Nov, 2022.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Webinar
Join this webinar for an interactive session with Dr Shruthi Desai, a leading rheumatologist in Bengaluru.
The event is open to all healthcare professionals and individuals interested in learning more about SLE.