
- Sports Medicine and Sports Science
- Consultations
- Sports Physician
- Sports Orthopaedic
- Sports Podiatry
- Sports Nutrition
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Mind Coach
- Fitness Coaching & Sports Conditioning
Consultations – Sports Medicine and Sports Science
The Department of Sports Medicine & Sports Science at RxDx SAMANVAY runs an Integrated Sports & Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic. Headquartered in Bengaluru, we have a growing network of care partners across India. Our goal is to improve health, fitness and performance of the athletes. We partner with academies and national level sports bodies to prepare and maintain world-class athletes throughout her/his career cycle. We also collaborate with them to prevent age fraud and make sports doping-free.
The department is manned by a multidisciplinary team comprising Sports Physicians, Orthopaedicians, Physiotherapists, Podiatrist, Nutritionist, Mind Coaches and MSK Radiologists. It is equipped with state-of-the-art sports diagnostics lab including instruments, facilities and supplies needed for sports medicine, sports science, fitness and rehabilitation programmes. We also provide second opinion on the athletes MRI by US and UK trained musculoskeletal radiologists.
Book Sports Medicine Consultation
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You may also reach us through WhatsApp Chat between
8 am – 8 pm at +91 90199 61402 or email us on
Sports Physician
Our SportsMed doctors, as we refer to them, evaluate and treat variety of injuries and sports-related medical conditions. They are adept at various procedures and interventions necessary in the field of sports and athletics and confer with other clinicians and allied healthcare professionals based on the need.
As an integral part of rehabilitation programmes, the SportsMed Physicians work on performance improvement and injury prevention while minimising chances of comorbidities associated with a profession in sports.

Conditions related to Sports Medicine
- Muscle and ligament (Soft-tissue) injuries like:
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Sesamoiditis
- Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome
- Shin Pain
- Onsite management of Sports & Exercise associated emergencies
- Cardiovascular symptoms during exercise
- Gastrointestinal symptoms during exercise
- Respiratory symptoms during exercise
- Exercise-induced asthma
- Chronic conditions in athletes like
- Musculoskeletal system (MSK) disorders
- Sesamoiditis
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetes profile
- Obesity
- Acute illness (infections)
- Exercise prescription for improving fitness
- “Return to play” decisions in the sick or injured athlete
- Recommendations on safe strength training and conditioning exercises
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles and safety standards in competitive sports
Sports Medicine Procedures & Interventions
- Physical examination
- Cardiovascular assessment
- Hypertension assessment
- Injury diagnosis
- Biomechanics and gait analysis
- Foot Assessment
- Prescribing customised orthotics
- Musculoskeletal injections (Ultrasound-guided if needed)
- Musculoskeletal ultrasound
- Compartment pressure measurements
- Spinal injection
- Compartment pressure measurements
- Physical fitness and anthropometric assessment
- Injury management and prevention programmes
- Physical activity programmes and exercise referral
- Supervising and implementing rehabilitation programmes

Sports Orthopaedics
Conditions related to Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
- Arthritis pain
- Back pain
- Joint pain
- Pain from strains and
sprains - Bone / Joint diseases
- Spinal injuries
- Arthritis
- Orthopaedic trauma
- Bone health
- Tumours
- Regenerative Medicine
- Fractures caused by
Sports Orthopaedic Procedures & interventions
- Fracture repair
- Joint tissue reconstruction
- Arthroscopic surgeries
- Spinal surgeries
- Intraarticular injection
- Ligament reconstruction
- Arthroplasty
- Rehabilitation
- Spine problems
- Arthritis
- MAKOPlasty
- Spine Care
- Kyphoplasty
- Carpal tunnel release (endoscopic technique)
- Foot and Ankle surgery
- Hand and elbow surgery
- Minimally invasive fixations, decompression
- Release of joint contractures
- Shoulder surgery
- Vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty for spinal
Sports Podiatry
Recurrent or new injuries in foot, heel, and ankle, or some other medical condition related to the lower part of the legs can be diagnosed via a gait scanning or analysis of how you walk or place your steps. Besides suggesting muscle-strengthening exercises, a podiatrist may advise use of orthotics or customized aid to correct your shoe or gait to reduce pain or improve your performance, especially if you are a runner or likewise.
Sports Podiatry Services
- Gait correction
- Lower limb issues
- Prescription Orthotics
- Shoe correction
- Pain reduction
- Preventing recurrent injury in feet or

Sports Nutrition
Sports Nutritionists and dietitians attached with the RxDx SAMANVAY SportsMed department have assisted a wide range of clients with optimal weight management and energy preservation.
The specialists counsel professional and amateur athletes on sports specific food and nutrition focusing on weight management and nutrition requirement in conjunction with the client’s physical training or recovery.
Sports Diet & Nutrition Counselling for Athletes & Fitness Enthusiasts
- To achieve and maintain a level of body fat and muscle mass consistent with good health and performance To keep up with Sports & Exercise routine
- Planning optimal nutrition for recovery from illness or injury Customized according to Individual and Team sports and type of the sport
Sports Physiotherapy
Physical therapy is an integral part of sports related injury prevention or recovery. Injury risk assessment for type of exercise programme and sport activity, non-invasive musculoskeletal treatment for rehabilitation and performance enhancement training are what our physiotherapists excel at. They are also experienced in on-field injury intervention during tournaments or competitions.
Sports Physical therapy for Athletes & Fitness Enthusiasts
- Assessment of injuries
- Identifying the root cause
- Pain relief
- Development of personalised treatment plan
- Adhering to plan to enable an athlete’s timely return to sport
- Injury prevention
- Improving the strength and mechanics of entire body
- Improving muscle & joint flexibility and circulation

Mind Coach
Our Mind Coach trains an athlete to improve their mental skills required to manage high-intensity situations and deliver personal best performance on demand.
You learn to rewire your thought process to be able to deal with the constant pressure and expectations of yourself and others.
You overcome your fears, improve your focus, and learn to stay motivated. You learn to gain perspective, stay on track, be confident about yourself.
Let us help you become your strongest, mentally too.
Fitness Coach & Sports Conditioning Specialist

Fitness & Condition can improve
- Agility
- Aerobic endurance
- Anaerobic capacity
- Flexibility
- Balance
- Coordination
These in turn help boost your
- Athletic ability
- Performance
- Strength
- Speed
- Power
- Confidence